I’ve had a crush on Andy Cohen for years now. He is in fact one of New York’s most eligible bachelors. While promoting his new book The Andy Cohen Diaries – it was revealed that he is looking for love. Andy is even on the dating app Tinder!! So what did I do? I downloaded the app and swiped hundreds of profiles until I found him! Andy had tweeted me twice in the prior week and now that I had his attention….why not go in full stalker mode?! Anyway, I liked his profile but did not receive a response. I was really disappointed but figured there were just too many people doing the same or maybe I wasn’t his type? I don’t know.
I was doing really well and put him out of my mind until he showed up in my dream this week! I dreamed that I quit my job and went back to college at SUNY Oswego. There I was in Broadcasting 101 and Andy was the professor!!! Of course, I was smitten and fell in love. I did whatever possible to get his attention and it worked. We soon became friendly and he started to like me as well. Those closest to him warned of my intentions. Some even called me a gold digger (how dare they)! Andy did have a room filled with gold coins and I did enjoy rolling around and throwing them up in the air for fun but my feelings were real!
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Having Andy next to me made me feel comfortable, safe and loved. I wished the dream could last forever until Puma jumped on me to get my ass out of bed. Wait, I slept through my alarm!! Yes, I was late to work but it was well worth it! Now what am I going to tell my boss? Sick passenger on the 2 train, that’s believable…I go with that.
Although, I’m back to my single reality…I will ALWAYS continue to dream. Andy, hope to see you again…in reality or my version of it, lol.