I like to joke around a lot and write about things on my mind, people who get my attention, music, television and pop culture BUT there is so much more to Daymz. I also have a serious side. Right now, I am seriously concerned about MONEY. Yeah, I said it…the thing that no one wants to talk about and the thing we all wish we had more of. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out we are in really bad economic times. Turn on the news and it seems like things keep getting worse. Did I hear that we are headed into a double dip recession? I didn’t realize that we were out of the first one. Many people will debate how we got here or on how we are going to get out of it but I’ll leave that up to the “experts”….
I wanted to share a story someone told me about money and what it represents. Someone drops a dollar bill on the ground as a homeless man and a millionaire pass by. Ask yourself what is the value of that dollar to both men? To the homeless man it could mean everything…they could put it towards some french fries or a slice of pizza to buy their next meal. For the millionaire it’s not so important and they would probably keep on walking. So in the end what is money? It is ENERGY represented in the physical world in coin or paper BUT its power can be used for good or evil. It could be used to buy weapons, feed a village or help find a cure for cancer. It can’t buy happiness and often can lead to chaos. When we receive it, we need to spend it wisely, remind ourselves of it’s power and share with others. It’s true what they say, when you give, you get.
I have been out of work for a few months now although money is tight, I’ve never been happier. It’s forced me to focus on myself, try new things including writing this blog. If you find yourself in a similar circumstance, here are a few tips on how to cut your monthly expenses….
1-Go through your bills, see where you can make cuts…do you
really need six movie channels or that overpriced gym membership?
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3-Eat at home, try not to spend so much money on eating out.
I hate to cook but have saved so much money buy cooking a few nights a week.
4-Cut back on taxi rides, the subway is expensive enough but
take it as much as you can and get use out of that unlimited metro card.
5-Do your own laundry, it will take more time but say good bye to that laundry service….you will save money and you won’t end up with someone else’s underwear!