Kristy Swanson Slays The Day

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Photo by Jamie Zobrist

In 1992, Kristy Swanson starred as Buffy Summers; a teenage cheerleader who hunts vampires in Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Buffy is one of my favorite films of all time! I thought it would be cool to reach out to Kristy to ask her about her iconic role, her film career and what she is up to now.  When I called Kristy, she was enjoying a “Mommy” day and was in the middle of getting a mani/pedi.

Phone rings.

Kristy? Hi, it’s Daymz.

Hi, how are you?

I’m great, just trying to wrap things up in the office before heading to LA for vacation.

Oh nice, I’m getting my nails done. 

How fun! Thank you for taking the time. Shall we begin?

Sure, go for it. 

Buffy The Vampire Slayer has become a highly popular cult classic. What do you think it is about Buffy Summers that has resonated with fans over the years?

I love the movie too, it’s fun. I think it resonates with people because Buffy was a strong female character that young girls and teens could look up to. I think that is really cool. It also lived on – it went on to be a TV series. It was in people’s living rooms for about seven years.  



Before Buffy you also starred in Flowers in the Attic (1987). Another favorite of mine. I remember watching it over and over as a kid and being terrified.  Betrayal, murder and incest are themes throughout.  What was it like for you as an actress?

I embraced it, I was really young. I was 16yrs old but I was pretty good separating myself from my work. It didn’t freak me out to make the movie. There were days that were really long and drawn out because we were dealing with such a heavy subject. And  sometimes when doing a drama you say to yourself “I wish I was doing a comedy right now” – But it was great. Looking back, it was a great time in my life.




Speaking about heavy subject matters, let’s talk about your film Higher Learning (1994). At films end, we saw what has now become reality; a campus shooting spree. What can people learn from watching Higher Learning today?

Well, the whole point of the film is to learn tolerance of each other, to be ok with our differences. That was the main message, whatever you learn, unlearn it. That’s what John Singleton wanted to get across. School shootings did happen back then -they were few and far between compared to today. 




On a lighter note, you posed for Playboy, appeared on Reality TV and ride motorcycles. Have you always been adventurous?

Hold on one second: They screwed up my nails, Lol. Ok, they are fixing it.

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Besides being an actress, you are also a clothing designer and have a ladies golf apparel brand. Tell me about aDressitGolf.

 aDressitGolf  is a hybrid of resort wear meets golf wear. It’s not your typical golf wear, it’s very fun, chic and girly. But it’s sporty too.

Do you golf?

Yeah (chuckles), I do. Another thing my husband and I do together.

Ever thought about expanding the line beyond golf wear?

Not right now, it keeps me pretty busy. But I am thinking of designing an outfit where a portion of the proceeds would go to charity –  like to fund breast cancer for instance.

I noticed on Instagram, you recently cut your hair to support your cousin who is fighting breast cancer. I think that is a testament of someone with great character. What made you do it? What was your cousins reaction?

She said, “that’s so sweet, are you going to go bald with me too?” She loved it, she thought it was really cool. We haven’t seen each other in person yet but she answered me on Facebook. She’s touched by it – it’s a scary time for her but she is going to get through it. Luckily, it was caught early – stage one. They did a lumpectomy and she has to follow up with chemo to make sure it’s completely gone. I wanted to let her know that I support her and that I care.


Encouragement is always beneficial. I strongly believe words have power. If you could deliver a positive message to your fans what would it be?

Oh gosh, you’re really putting me on the spot.

It can be anything.

Always have a sense of humor, keep laughing. Have thick skin but don’t let it harden you. And remember God loves you.

I like it! People need to hear positive things.

So what’s up next for Kristy Swanson?

I have a film coming out called Driven Underground and a movie coming out around Christmas called Angels In The Snow on UP. I just filmed a teen movie called Crowning Jules. I do about two to three films per year.

What’s on your agenda for the rest of your day, after you finish getting your nails done?

I’m gonna do my eye lashes. Then I’m going to have lunch, my whole family is away – I’m all by myself. I’m having a Mommy day.

Enjoy! I’m jealous.

I don’t want to take anymore of your “me” time. I think, I have enough for the interview but if I think of anything else can I give you a call back?

Yes, of course. Thank you so much honey.

Thank you. I’ve been a fan forever. You’re adorable. I love you.

I love you too.

Follow Kristy Instagram and Twitter: @KristySwansonXo 

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