Amanda Bynes – WTF is going on with ya girl?!


Like many, I had HIGH hopes for Amanda Bynes!! She was doing so well. Living in LA with her parents, attending fashion school and looking happy and healthy. THEN a DWI arrest! No longer under her parents care, it seems Amanda is up to her old tricks. Remember the bong throwing, crazy wigs, plastic surgey obsession, Twitter feud with Rihanna, use of the word ULGY? How could anyone forget the pleas for Drake to “murder her pussy” and setting a fire in the neighbors driveway???

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I really want to know what is going on – how does someone go from a sweet, down to earth professional actress to a complete basket case? Realize, I’m not passing judgement or poking fun. I am deeply concerned. I hope she gets proper treatment and can function like a “normal” person. Wish I could do something more to help. For now, I’ll continue to send Amanda healing light. Feel better girl!

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